
Neurodivergent is a term that refers to individuals with neurological differences that deviate from societal norms, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other cognitive variations. 

What is neurodivergent? Definition and explanation

The neurodivergent definition refers to the concept that neurological differences are a natural and valuable part of human diversity.

The term “neurodiversity” refers to people with neurological differences or conditions not in line with the dominant societal norms. So the term is inclusive and encompasses a wide range of neurodevelopmental differences.

Examples are autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and other cognitive variations. Such neurological differences can affect cognitive processing, sensory perception, social interaction, and other aspects of daily life.

Neurodiverse and non-neurotypical

The terms “neurodiverse” and “non-neurotypical” are often used interchangeably with “neurodivergent”. All refer to individuals who have neurodevelopment differences.

The terms highlight the idea that neurological diversity is a natural part of human variation and should be respected and accommodated.

Neurodiversity emphasizes the understanding that no single “normal” brain or neurological profile exists. Instead, it recognizes and values how individuals perceive, process, and interact with the world. 

Types of neurodiversity

Neurodivergent individuals represent various ranges of conditions and traits. Below are some common examples.

1. Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by differences in social communication and interactions, restricted interest, and repetitive behaviors.

People with autism may possess unique strengths, such as exceptional attention to detail, intense focus, and heightened sensory perception.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is another neurodevelopmental condition characterized by attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity difficulties.

Individuals with ADHD may exhibit high levels of energy, creativity, and thinking outside the box. 

3. Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects speaking, reading and writing skills. For example, it involves confusing certain letters, difficulty organizing words into sentences, pronouncing words, and trouble occurring in vocabulary. 

People with dyslexia may excel in areas such as problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and thinking in images (and general visual processing). They also tend to be very creative.

4. Dyspraxia 

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), or dyspraxia, affects motor coordination and can impact fine and gross motor skills.

Despite motor challenges, individuals with dyspraxia often demonstrate exceptional creativity, problem-solving skills, and original thinking. 

5. Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome is another neurological condition. It is characterized by involuntary and repetitive movements or sounds known as tics. These tics can range from mild to severe and can impact social interactions and daily activities.

Individuals with Tourette Syndrome often display creativity, sensitivity, and a unique sense of humor. 

Can you become neurodivergent? 

Neurodivergence is not something one “becomes” in the sense of acquiring a new trail later in life. Rather, it refers to the recognition and understanding of existing neurological differences.

Neurodivergent traits may be present from early childhood but go unrecognized or undiagnosed until later in life. This delayed recognition does not mean that the neurodivergence suddenly appeared. Rather, it becomes more apparent or identified through increased awareness, self-discovery, or professional evaluation.

Additionally, certain acquired neurological conditions can also lead to neurodivergence, such as the following:

  • Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Strokes

All of the above can change an individual’s neurology and cognitive functioning. These acquired conditions can manifest as new neurodivergent traits that differ from the person’s previous neurological profile. 

A natural variation in how individuals’ brains process and perceive

Neurodivergence is neither inherently negative nor a disorder to be “cured”. 

Instead, it represents a natural variation in how individuals’ brains process and perceive the world. 

People with neurodivergent possess unique strengths, talents, and perspectives that can contribute to the richness of human diversity.

Neurodivergence – Strengths and abilities

People with neurodivergence possess various strengths and abilities that can be celebrated. They often stem from their unique neurological wiring and can contribute to their success in multiple domains.

Below are some common strengths exhibited by neurodivergent individuals.

Enhanced pattern recognition

Many neurodivergent individuals have a remarkable ability to recognize and identify patterns in the form of numbers, visual stimuli, or complex systems. This skill can be valuable in fields such as mathematics, data analysis, programming, and scientific research.

Exceptional attention to detail

Neurodivergent individuals often demonstrate an exceptional focus on details, enabling them to notice intricacies and nuances that others may overlook. This attention to detail can be advantageous in quality control, proofreading, design, and artistic pursuits. 

Innovative problem-solving abilities

Neurodivergent people tend to think outside the box and devise unconventional solutions to problems. Their ability to approach challenges from different angles can lead to breakthrough innovations in fields such as engineering, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Heightened creativity

Many neurodivergent people exhibit heightened creativity and divergent thinking. They often approach problems and challenges from unique angles, offering innovative solutions and fresh perspectives. This type of creativity can manifest in various forms – including artistic expression, problem-solving, and generating original ideas.

Neurodivergence – Challenges and support

While neurodivergence brings strengths and talents, it can also present challenges in certain areas. Some common challenges include the ones below.

Neurodivergent – social interactions

A common challenge many neurodivergent individuals face is understanding social cues, norms, and conventions. They may experience challenges initiating or maintaining relationships, interpreting nonverbal cues, or navigating social dynamics.

Here’s what can help navigate these challenges:

  • Supportive interventions – such as social coaching, therapy, or mentoring programs. 
  • Social skills training – such as role-playing exercises or group therapy sessions. 
  • Creating inclusive social environments – such as promoting acceptance, providing clear guidelines, and facilitating structured activities like team-building exercises.

Neurodivergent – communication

Some neurodivergent individuals may face challenges in expressing or receptive communication. This can manifest as difficulties in verbal expression, understanding complex language, or interpreting nonliteral language (such as sarcasm).

Here’s what can help facilitate effective communication:

  • Supportive interventions – such as speech therapy, or using assistive technology like speech-generating devices. 
  • Augmentative and alternative communication methods – such as using text-based communication in the form of emails or using visual symbols. 
  • Inclusive communication practices – such as using simple and straightforward language, incorporating visual aids, and practicing active listening skills. 

Executive functioning

Executive functioning encompasses cognitive processes such as planning, organizing, time management, and impulse control. 

Neurodivergent individuals may experience difficulties in these areas, which can impact their ability to stay organized, prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and regulate their behavior.

Here’s what can help manage such challenges:

  • Visual schedules – such as daily or weekly visual planners with clearly labeled tasks and deadlines. 
  • Task organizers – such as using electronic task management apps, or color-coded systems, labels, or stickers to categorize and organize tasks based on priority.
  • Explicit instructions – such as providing written and clear instructions or breaking tasks into smaller steps with instructions for each step individually.

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