Privacy Policy


1.1 DEVELOP DIVERSE is in compliance with the Law n° 429 of 31 May 2000 relative to the Act of Processing Personal Data. This article 3 describes the data DEVELOP DIVERSE may collect as well as the purposes for which the said data may be utilised.

1.2 DEVELOP DIVERSE will only utilise the data (i.e. the Surnames, first names, addresses, telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, etc.) that the User has voluntarily communicated. These data will be stored in a database for communication purposes. Therefore, Users providing this personal information by the intermediary of the Website have, in compliance with the provisions of the law of 31 May 2000, a right of access to the data concerning them, as well as the right to obtain the modification, rectification or deletion of these data. Thus, Users can demand that the data concerning them be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or erased if they are inexact, incomplete, ambiguous, expired or if their collection, utilisation, communication or conservation are prohibited. To do this, it is necessary to contact the Webmaster via the contact form made available on the portal under the “Contact” heading and to send the request utilising the space called “Your Message”. Users may also contact the Develop Diverse Company by e-mail at .

1.3 Users’ nominative and non-nominative personal data, collected by the intermediary of the website, and all future information, are only intended for the exclusive use of the DEVELOP DIVERSE company in the framework of the implementation of services offered to the Users on the Website. They are never communicated or transferred to a third party, other than the technical providers in charge of managing the Website and its partners, which are required to respect the confidentiality of the data and to only use them for very precise operations under the direct control of the DEVELOP DIVERSE Company.Furthermore, non-nominative information concerns the Web Browser users employ, the system utilised by their computer and the domain name by which users arrive on our Website. We may place this information directly on the Users’ hard disk in the form of a “Cookie” during their visit to our Website. This “cookie” enables us to identify the User. However, it records information about the navigation of the users’ computer on the Website (pages viewed, the date and the hour of the consultation. etc.). The period of conservation of these data on the Users’ computer is for a maximum of seven months. Cookies enable the Publisher to offer a tailored Website or advertising that corresponds to Users’ specific expectations and preferences. Web browsers enable users to delete cookies from their hard disk, to block them entirely or to receive a warning prior to placement of such a cookie.

1.4 Users’ data will also be utilized to strengthen and personalise communication with them, notably via newsletters that the DEVELOP DIVERSE Company develops, and to which they may have subscribed.

1.5 The User agrees that the activities they undertake in the DD-scan or can be tracked and saved by DEVELOP DIVERSE to create a personalized User Report. This User Report will only be shared within DEVELOP DIVERSE and with The Client. The Client agrees that DEVELOP DIVERSE can send the Client a personalized User Report every week to their provided email-address. The Client can stop the creation and sending of these User Reports at any time by sending an email to containing a message that they want the creation and sending of these User Reports to stop.


2.1 Our Customer Service department is at your disposal for further information or questions: – Preferably by e-mail, utilizing the “Contact” form or by e-mail at

2.2 The Develop Diverse website, as well as the structure and the services proposed there, can be modified and changed without any notification of any kind.

2.3 DEVELOP DIVERSE reserves the right to unilaterally modify the present terms and conditions of use. Such new clauses will govern for the future all relations between the Parties, and only the latest online version will apply.

2.4 In the event that one of the provisions of these terms and conditions of use was found null and void owing to a present or future legal or regulatory provision, or a legal ruling by the courts carrying the authority for the matter judged and emanating from a competent jurisdiction or authority, this provision of the agreement would then be considered as unwritten, whereas any or all other provisions of these terms and conditions between the Parties would retain their mandatory force.

2.5 These general terms and conditions of use are governed by Danish law, both in terms of basic rules and for the rules governing their form.

2.6 In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to seek an amicable solution prior to taking it before the competent Danish jurisdiction.