Equity vs equality

Equity involves providing tailored support to ensure equal opportunities based on individual needs. Equality aims to treat everyone the same without distinctions, promoting uniformity in treatment.

What is the difference between equity and equality?

The definition of equity vs equality is a common discussion because the terms are often used interchangeably. 

However, they represent distinct concepts with significant implications – especially in discussions about fairness and justice.


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, equality is the state of being equal. 

It refers to treating all individuals in the same manner, offering everyone equal opportunities and resources–despite their circumstances. The focus is on uniformity and sameness.

Here are some examples:

  • Healthcare equality: In a healthcare system based on equality, all patients with the same medical conditions receive the same standard treatment, regardless of their individual health circumstances or medical histories.
  • Voting equality: In a country committed to voting equality, every eligible citizen has the same right to cast their vote and participate in the democratic process, regardless of their social status or background.
  • Workplace equality: In a company that practices workplace equality, all employees are granted the same number of paid sick leaves and vacation days, ensuring uniform benefits for every employee.


On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines being equitable as “having or exhibiting equity: dealing fairly and equally with all concerned”.

Equity emphasizes providing individuals with the resources and support they need to attain equal outcomes, considering their unique circumstances and starting points. It prioritizes fairness by accounting for individual differences.

Here are some examples:

  • Educational equity: In an education system that prioritizes equity, students from disadvantaged backgrounds may receive scholarships, additional tutoring, or access to specialized learner programs to bridge education gaps and promote equal opportunities for academic success.
  • Gender equity: A company striving for gender equity may offer family-friendly policies, such as parental leave and flexible work arrangements, to both male and female employees in balancing work and family responsibilities.
  • Criminal justice equity: A criminal justice system focused on equity might implement diversion programs and rehabilitation efforts for non-violent offenders, aiming to address underlying issues and reduce the impact of systemic biases on sentencing.

The key differences between equity and equality

In all the examples above, equality still emphasizes uniformity and sameness, while equity involves tailored approaches to address specific needs and achieve equal outcomes for everyone involved. 

In other words, the key distinction between equity and equality lies in their approach to fairness:

  • Equality treats everyone the same.
  • Equity recognizes the need to address existing disparities and provide specific support to level the playing field.

Equal vs equitable

The main difference lies in the definition of equal vs equitable. 

Equal means training everyone in the same manner, regardless of differences. Equitable means providing support and resources based on individual needs to achieve fairness. 

For example, consider a scenario where you give 100 dollars to both a wealthy and financially disadvantaged woman. This situation exemplifies equality, as both individuals receive the same amount of money, regardless of their financial circumstances.

On the other hand, if you give 100 dollars to the wealthy woman and 200 dollars to the financially disadvantaged woman, your intent is to achieve equity. By offering the financially disadvantaged woman additional support based on her specific financial situation, you address the existing disparity between the two individuals.

What is work equity? Definition and examples

Work equity, also known as workplace equity, is a fundamental principle in modern organizations that seeks to create a fair and just work environment for all employees.

It is about ensuring that every employee in the workplace has an equal chance to succeed based on their skills, qualifications, and performance rather than factors such as gender, race, age, or disability.

Work equity recognizes that not all employees start from the same place or face identical challenges. It acknowledges that historical and systemic factors, such as biases and discrimination, might impact individuals differently, leading to unequal opportunities and outcomes.

To address these disparities, work equity focuses on tailored approaches and targeted interventions.

Below are some examples of work equity.

1. Pay equity 

A company that is committed to work equity conducts regular pay audits to identify and rectify any wage gap based on gender, race (such as ethnicity pay gap), or other characteristics.

If any gaps are found, the company takes necessary steps to rectify the issue and ensure equal pay for all employees with similar qualifications and responsibilities. 

2. Inclusive hiring practices

Organizations that prioritize work equity adopt inclusive hiring practice to attract diverse talent.

For example, they can implement blind hiring to anonymize applicants’ personal information, focusing solely on qualifications and skills during the initial screening process. Additionally, they can implement diversity training for hiring managers, ensuring they are equipped to recognize and mitigate conscious or unconscious bias during the hiring process. 

3. Flexible work arrangements

If a company promotes work equity, it often recognizes the importance of work-life balance. For example, they offer flexible work arrangements, like remote work options or flexible hours, to accommodate diverse needs and responsibilities.

The company can regularly survey employees to gauge the effectiveness of flexible work policies and make adjustments based on feedback to better meet their needs.

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