Hire Better, Easier.

Attract more qualified applicants with inclusive content

Use our inclusive writing software to create unbiased and compelling job posts, career pages, and other employer branding content that attracts a diverse pool of highly qualified candidates.

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Trusted by 100+ Industry leaders

Beyond good recruitment content

Make business impact through hiring

Easy for everyone to make inclusive content in minutes

The Inclusive Editor identifies biased language and corporate cliches. By clicking on the flagged words, you can instantly see replacement suggestions for individual words and improvement suggestions for the entire sentence.

Integrate Develop Diverse seamlessly into your existing workflow by using it directly within Microsoft Word.



Reliable writing software based on research

Don't fall into the AI trap. Creating an inclusive communication process during hiring requires more than prompts. Our study shows that ChatGPT 4.o is even more biased than humans.

Build your communication across career pages, job descriptions, emails, and other channels on academic research with proven performance.


Who is Develop Diverse for?


Talent Acquisition and Recruiters

Empowers Talent Acquisition and Recruiters to create fair, welcoming, and effective communications by eliminating bias.


Hiring Managers

Empowers Hiring Managers to craft job posts that reduce bias, attract diverse candidates, and enhance overall communication.


HR and People Ops

Empowers HR and People Ops teams with tools to ensure job postings and internal communications are inclusive, fostering a more equitable workplace environment.


DEI Teams

Empowers DEI teams to raise awareness of biases and to promote inclusive communication across all channels.

“Develop Diverse offers a great tangible software to work with inclusive communication continuously, both in job descriptions and Employer Branding material. The software is easy to use, and initial analysis of results showed a great increase in female candidates for the tested job ads.”
Lykke Laursen Jeppesen

Diversity & Inclusion Lead, TDC Group

Get a demo and see Develop Diverse in action.

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