How To Write Good Job Postings: 10 Steps and Other Basics Covered

Mar 18, 2024 9:25:17 AM


Creating an effective job posting is essential in attracting the right candidates for your organization. The job market is competitive, and a well-crafted job ad can make a significant difference in standing out from the crowd.

In this guide, we will explore the nuances of writing job postings, the differences between job postings, job advertisements, and job descriptions, and provide practical steps to ensure your job ads are inclusive and appealing. Whether you're wondering how to write job advertisement or seeking tips on how to write an appealing job posting, this article has got you covered.

Job Posting vs Job Advert vs Job Description

Understanding the distinction between a job posting, a job advert, and a job description is crucial for creating an effective recruitment strategy. Here's a quick comparison:

Feature Job Posting Job Advert Job Description
Purpose Announces vacancy Attracts candidates Defines role
Audience General job seekers Targeted candidates Hiring managers, HR, employees
Tone Informative Persuasive, engaging Formal, detailed
Content Job title, basic duties, qualifications, how to apply Benefits, company culture, career growth Comprehensive responsibilities, requirements, qualifications
Focus Basic role information Selling the position Detailed job specifications


A job posting is a public announcement of an open position within a company, usually including the job title, duties, and application process. A job advert focuses more on marketing the position and attracting potential candidates, often highlighting the benefits and company culture. On the other hand, a job description is a detailed document that outlines the specific responsibilities, requirements, and qualifications for a role.

What is a Good Job Posting?

A good job posting should be clear, concise, and appealing. It should provide potential candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the role and the company, while also being engaging and motivating. Avoiding corporate clichés and jargon is key to making your job ad stand out. Instead of using overused phrases like "think outside the box" or "team player," opt for more specific and meaningful language that genuinely reflects your company's values and the role's requirements. And of course, a good job posting doesn't have any unconsciously biased words in it. For example, a good job posting will create a good hiring experience even for ethnically marginalized people

How to Write Effective Job Postings?

To write a good job posting, start with a clear, engaging job title that accurately reflects the position. Provide a brief company introduction followed by a concise job description outlining key responsibilities. Clearly separate required skills from preferred ones, ensuring candidates understand what's essential. Highlight the top benefits and unique aspects of the role to make it attractive. Use clear, jargon-free language and structure the posting with subheadings and bullet points for easy readability.

By following these guidelines, you'll create an informative and appealing job posting that effectively attracts qualified candidates suited to both the role and your company culture.

Creating an effective job posting involves several important steps. Here are 10 steps on how to write effective job postings:

  1. Create a clear and engaging job title: Use specific, traditional titles that accurately reflect the position, but add a compelling element to grab attention.
  2. Start with a brief company introduction: Provide a concise overview of your organization and its culture to give candidates context.
  3. Craft a concise job description: Clearly outline the main responsibilities and expectations of the role.
  4. List required and preferred skills separately:
    • Begin with "required skills" - essential qualifications, education, and experience necessary for the job.
    • Follow with "preferred skills" - desirable attributes that aren't mandatory but would benefit the ideal candidate.
  5. Highlight key benefits and opportunities: Showcase what makes your company and this position attractive, including top perks, growth potential, and unique aspects of the role.
  6. Include practical details: Specify the job location, whether remote work is possible, and any other relevant logistical information.
  7. Use clear, concise language: Avoid jargon and overly complex terms to ensure your posting is easily understood by all potential applicants.
  8. Structure your posting effectively: Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make the information easily scannable.
  9. End with a clear call to action: Provide straightforward instructions on how to apply for the position.
  10. Differentiate from a job description: Remember that a job posting is meant to attract and engage candidates, not just list duties.

By following these guidelines, you'll create a job posting that is informative, engaging, and effective in attracting quality candidates who are well-suited for the role and your company culture.

How to Write an Inclusive Job Posting

Inclusivity in job postings is essential to attract a diverse pool of candidates. Using inclusive language and avoiding jargon can significantly impact the effectiveness of your job ad. Job posting jargon can create barriers and deter qualified candidates from applying. Instead, use straightforward and inclusive language that resonates with a broader audience. Tools like Develop Diverse can help identify and eliminate corporate clichés and unconscious biases from your job ads.

It's important to note that the use of jargon and exclusive language can have negative impacts on your recruitment efforts. Such language may discourage qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds from applying, limiting your talent pool and potentially hindering your organization's diversity and inclusion goals.

However, there's more to crafting an inclusive job posting or job ad. If you're interested then we urge you to tap onto knowledge around that. 


How to write job description for software engineer?

When writing a job description for a software engineer, include key responsibilities such as coding, testing, and debugging software applications. Mention the technical skills required, such as proficiency in specific programming languages and tools. Also, highlight any experience with project management and collaboration with cross-functional teams.

How to write job description for accountant?

For an accountant job description, outline tasks like managing financial records, preparing reports, and ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Specify required qualifications such as a degree in accounting or finance, familiarity with accounting software, and strong analytical skills. Additionally, emphasize attention to detail and the ability to meet deadlines.


In conclusion, writing an effective job posting requires attention to detail, clarity, and inclusivity. By understanding the differences between job postings, job adverts, and job descriptions, and following the steps outlined, you can create job ads that attract the right candidates. Avoiding clichés and using specific, meaningful language will make your postings more appealing and genuine. Remember, the goal is to provide potential candidates with a clear and engaging picture of the role and your company. Whether you're learning how to write effective job ads or figuring out how to write an appealing job posting, these tips will help you succeed in attracting top talent to your organization.